Laird outlast 2
Laird outlast 2

laird outlast 2 laird outlast 2

Once the Scalled with the torch is facing away from you, Blake can either make his way into the small hut to safety, or to immediate right of the hut is a path that can get him out of the area. Don't go towards the campfire, as there's another Scalled waiting inside the tent there for you. Wait for this Scalled to make his first pass while you hide behind the rocks on your left, and then immediately make your way further left past the rocks to hide under a tent for the time being. However, our protagonist isn't safe just yet, as once he's clambered up over the next three ledges and dropped down into the next clearing, there's another Scalled waiting there, only this one has a torch. Once you find a hollow tree trunk lying on the ground before you, get down on all fours and make your way through the tree, stopping before you exit at the other end as another armed Scalled will make his way past you, leaving Blake clear to escape the immediate area. You then want to guide Blake around the corner to the right, hugging the wall and staying well within the grassy area. When the level starts with Blake staggering around, head directly towards the campfire a short way off, but stop and crouch in the grass just before the area, as an armed Scalled will walk through the campsite, going from right to left. This is undoubtedly one of the tougher sections of Outlast 2, as Blake begins the area both heavily injured and without his camcorder, meaning the surrounding landscape is instantly harder to make out for the player. How to Escape the Crucifixion and the Scalled

laird outlast 2

How to Escape the Crucifixion and the Scalled.

Laird outlast 2